I wrote this blog a couple years ago. I don't recall what incident set it off in my thinking, but as I was talking to my beloved Jilly yesterday on the phone I found myself naysaying some of her flights of fancy...in utter mortification that I could do such a thing I once again offer these thoughts:
when i was a young girl i would often turn to my adopted mother and say things like "you know i saw the most beautiful dryad at the creek today..." she would scoff at me for she was a sturdy down to earth woman with her feet solidly planted in what she could see and smell..."you're such a daydreamer, better use that brain to STUDY don't you think" and off i'd go with my heart crushed for truly, i HAD seen that beautiful dryad peeking out at me from the green mossy branches of the myrtle tree soaking his feet in our creek...
now i see that was the lesson...don't let my feet get planted too firmly for somehow the blood that pumps through the fancy in my heart will get caught down there and i will lose my dreams!!! so this i will share with my beautiful daughter jilly-marie allegra; i will share it with my fanciful friend on the coast - you know who you are - and i will share it with my sisters and friends here where i live...
live those dreams, never be afraid to see the dryad and don't believe the ones who tell you she's not there! gloriously bathe your eyes with the beauty around you and splash yourself with wild abandon in the copious wonder of this earth for yes, there are battles and yes, there is life, and yes there will be chores to be done but the strength you need for all of these is in the joy you find from your fancies...
I totally agree with you Shawna. Once you have lost the magic that is in life, well, you can't bring it back. So hold on tight to your dreams and never let them go, for once you do, they'll never return!
WE all need that extra bit of special magic in our lives!
Big hugs!
I like your new look!!
why thank you!!! I actually was inspired by such as you, Alice in Wonderland and a few others who ventured beyond the templates offered by blogspot and yay, found just the right purple! Thanks for noticing!
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