Rocky and Sandy were overjoyed that I stayed at home...this meant their duty of "watching the house" was doubly important and from time to time they'd take off barking for absolutely no reason other than to show that indeed they were RIGHT ON IT SIR!!!!! (by sir, of course they were talking about Mr. Man). Make no mistake, they were utterly convinced that had they not held the back porch down perhaps the entire house would have flown away...
Off and on throughout the day I would take some time to finish a chore that had been put off for this reason or that...found some little things I'd put aside a LONG time ago and THAT was serendipitous! I got braver later in the afternoon and went outside to clean up Rocky and Sandy's playpen but got tired and ended up just playing a lot and gettin' some affection from them...
I went in and started dinner because I was feeling very homey and productive...Mr. Man finally got home and last night was cold enough for the first wood stove fire for the season! He built the fire, poured water in what I call our "Little House on the Prairie" tea pot and tossed some of our "Indian Medicine" (Sorry, can't tell you what it is...) on the top of the stove...our home instantly warmed up and the smell of our delicious medicine wafted with healing strength throughout all of the rooms! I did a little bit of weaving and all in all it was another amazing day at home!!
Sorry you didn't feel well, but it still sounded like a nice day at home!
Shawna, I just love your tales, and your "Little House On The Prairie" sounds so wonderful! You're never alone with dogs around you, and Rocky and Sandy sound just great! I'm glad that your ear has gotten better and that you had your amazing day at home!
Big Hugs!
Thank you dear flying eagle woman. I could feel the warmth of the fire and the warmth of your heart.That´s what I call "good medicine":)
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