so this afternoon after kind of twitchin' around we decided to take a trip you might think this is just about hopping in Daria and taking off but hey...taking off's just for sissies...
first, brother went out and found Daria had a sore foot so he had to bandage her with the spare...Clarence watched and kind of chuckled at our plight for he had seen it coming and then he took off to go share the hilarity with Bunny Tree.
off we go upriver...
you know of course, that wild horses are by far the Elders of humans and not to be trifled with. they show themselves only when they choose to, much as legendary unicorns but with more intense and colorful powers:-) we saw a bunch of them on our way upriver and this made us smile for surely we were going to have an Adventure of the Most Amazing Sort.
the world was in full "show off" mode and every bush and tree and fruit laden berry patch sang loudly with stickgame fervor "hey!!! LOOK AT ME!!!!" and we did...we admired some rich ruby chokecherries, complimented the beautiful purple blackberries for their graceful sturdiness and chuckled at the dancing poplars as we drove upriver. there were flowers in abundance showing off in every imaginable hue my favorite of course the purples and yellows...
i worked on a weaving project as we drove because it just seemed fitting...
we got there - the most perfect little spot on the entire umatilla river! there in the midst of a private cove was a deep little cave just for us to swim in and we did however it must be told that brother wasn't quite as wildly excited about the water as i..."come on in!" i shouted (yes, i was hiding my chattering teeth) "it's not that bad" "NO" he said determinedly..."come ON! that's what we're HERE for!" "NO" he said with resoluteness to be admired..."come on brother it will be FUN" he never answered me...he just started taking off his sox and wading in...
our swim was accompanied by polite crawdads asking after our family's health and promising not to bite our feet...oh how polite those crawdads are! as we walked back to find Daria we suddenly realized that we were RIGHT in the middle of a baby tree playground! baby pines, cuddly baby poplars, baby fir trees...all BABIES...they were cooing and clucking at us so i told them how cute they were and i won't lie to you, i even tickled the pine tree a little...
so off we go home...more wild horses, some wooly kind of cows with long horns who wouldn't be bothered with our presence and brother drove the long way home...okay let me tell you...the long way home is up a steep steep STEEP winding road and if you look down it makes your legs hurt! no jokes!!!! so i just mentioned that to brother and he said "oh really...look down NOW" and as i did he swerved the toes are just now uncurling from the fright of this hilarity!
our last miles home we were accompanied by a ladybug who just wanted to hear us sing, and we drove right by a little patch of hair medicine which we gathered a little bit...
ahhhhhhhh such fun we had!!!! amazing day with auntie umatilla!!!!
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