Tuesday, July 27, 2010

minding my own business!

do you have ANY idea how hard this is? oh yes, I'm sure you do:-)

thing is, takin' a look around me, I see my lovely grapefruit plant Gary - he blithely soaks up the sun and goes about his daily growing chores with nary a glance around the room to see that less fortunate sunflower seeds have fallen to the wayside...nay, Paw Lee trots about on his quarterly checking of the the perimeters without a thought as to whether Princess Phat is about doing her mouse hunting...the world at large teaches us that if we actually DO mind our own business and quit worrying about everyone else's things will not only keep going, but with much more ease and less havoc!

thus. today my declaration is that I will do my best to mind my own business TODAY...


Anonymous said...

I love it...She is standing in the sink to brush her teeth...How cute...

ma thet zin said...

Wow I really love your posts!

Mary Bergfeld said...

That child is just too cute for words. It is a great photo. How is she related to you? I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Grandma K said...

While I loved this post, more importantly, if you read this, is that I can comment on your blog now! It has been months. Trying to comment would lock up my computer! So glad to be back!

Betty Manousos said...

She is soo cute! Love the first pic!
Have a great day!
B xx

January Asia said...

Oh, cute little girl.

In my latest post, I mentioned you, your blog, and your lunch idea. See for yourself:

BB said...

LOL, Great photos loved them all.
Thank´s for making me smile.