Friday, July 16, 2010


FIRST of all, I'd like to thank Gabrielle at for the nice award she gave me...I saved it to my travel laptop and this is my home laptop so I can't find it BUT in her honor:-)
Musical cupcakes!

Well this whole last week has been the ever elusive week of learning and rediscovery and delicious relaxation and a meeting.

We (my brother and I) left for southern Oregon first stopping in PDX to see the grandbabies. The drive down was just full of stunning scenery and raucous laughter.

A lot of you know the story, I was adopted into a family there at the age of 4 and so on and so forth but let's just say visits to this town have always been met with some trepidations and a lot of aching memories.

FINALLY the end! My sister emailed me when she heard I was going to be there and asked if we were going to be able to go down there for a visit. I asked my brother and he said yeah, we could...

Monday after first attending a meeting off we went:

My childhood home was just as I remembered it and it was just so warming to bring my brother, significant of my new and joyous life to see those things of my childhood that were GOOD things...
my sister made us some berry  cobbler from berries picked at our home and HOMEMADE ICE CREAM

going to keep the good memories from this home....
afterwards we went to the beach:-) this beach has a nickname I gave it once during the 70's and apparently that name still holds... I didn't know my brother took this picture but as I was watching this young boy play in the water I wanted SO BAD to get in too!!!!

so I DID!!!!

an unforgettable day...


Alice in Wonderland said...

Loved your photo's! Is that "The Little House on the Prairie"? I'd love to live there, it looks so sweet!
Your cup-cakes are fantastic too!
Looks like you had a great day, sunshine and lucky woman!
Big hugs, my dear little friend!

Gabrielle said...

Aww thank you! The cupcakes look really good, lol! Oh my gosh I want some homemade ice cream! It would be perfect with braces! haha, I LOVE your pictures!

<3 <3

Grandma K said...

Loved your photos, and I have loved your last posts. I have trouble commenting when I am using Firefox - my computer freezes up and no comment for you or anything else! If you don't hear from me - you know why!

Anonymous said...

OMG that beach looks so beautiful...He guess what I met Glen Hansard (Falling Slowly) again! I even got my girls to meet him...I did a post about it on sunday!