I don't want to beat a dead horse but it seems somehow trite to me that this nation has to even HAVE a "Native American Heritage" day...but that's just my opinion
In the spirit of sharing though I want to share about two brave American Indian women from our history...these women touched my heart in the deepest of ways...I hope to one day meet them:
This excerpt is from the book "Yellow Wolf, His Own Story" and is where Yellow Wolf talks about his mother (Yiyik Wasumwah )
My mother could use the gun against soldiers if they
bothered her. She could ride any wild horse and shoot
straight. She could shoot the buffalo and was not afraid
of the grizzly bear.
Also in this same book is another brave woman:
More fortunate, perhaps, than the Nemesis-pursued White Feather
was Halpawinmi (Dawn) . Eighteen or twenty years of age, strong
and handsome in form and physique, and endowed with a beautiful
personality, she was the recognized belle and favorite of her tribe.
Though her brother was killed in her presence, she did not give way
to unavailing grief and lamentation. Disdaining to flee the awful
holocaust about her, she fell while ministering to the wounded and
dying about her.
This is a picture I found of Yellow Wolf's mother...
I have this book from my gramma Elsie n the women "Penahwenonmi"(helping another) is her grandmother on the Allen/NP side.
I think we had to read this book in history class last year. It certainly sounds familiar...
I love stories about brave women. It shows men that women can be tough too.
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