Thursday, October 7, 2010

oh frabjous day!

Well I had a lot to say today but I'm in a meeting right now and it's making me want to grind my teeth...I guess the upside to that is that in between being very busy and important I can write this fun stuff...

'Course that was yesterday and now again...busy.


It's a good day and here's why:

  • Friends and Family are rich and in abundance, they're wise, funny, loving, truthful and raucous.
  • The sun rose from the east - this is always a good thing
  • My kitty continues to accomplish that for which we acquired him...depleting the mouse population in my world - for that, my kitty deserves high praises and happy dances
  • Purple items are in abundance in my world...
  • I think I'm growing a little each least that's my goal
Life is good...


Nikki (Sarah) said...

gratitude.....the best.

BB said...

Love the Violet in it all :)

Betty Manousos said...

Your blog has become an inspiration for me.