Thursday, September 2, 2010

here comes change!!!!

It's not hellatiously hot outside...oh, don't get me wrong, when it heats up it's still a force to be reckoned with! I'm just sayin'

Driving home from work the smell of pea harvest has morphed into the rich warm scent of wheat being threshed and pouring like liquid gold into awaiting trucks. The pheasants don't take this too well, they can be heard clucking and yelling "GET OUT, this is MINE" in their raucous pheasant voices.

I love change. It's something I don't believe I embraced until age began "curling my edges" if you will...I no longer cling to the idea of running up river at the slightest view of the sun...I run headlong into the cacophony of color as the leaves change and a new season opens the door to adventures untouched.

Now the scent of berries wafts throughout the community as busy mamas are canning their jams and jellies and preparing for the upcoming winter.

In our home we have another change - our dogs aren't very pleased with this but we now have a cat. His name is Lulx which is the Nez Perce word for coffee - silly name for a cat, but he's the color of coffee with canned milk added...he tends to tease the dogs, for the advent of his arrival was an assignment - he is here to dissuade those pesky mice from settling in for the winter. This means his domain is the INSIDE and all dogs are kept's funny really, they didn't mind being "outside dogs" until he arrived.
Change of season means time to sew as well...I made new wing dresses for ceremonies and also for men, a set of leggings and hider for a naming. I have more namings (the giving/receiving of an Indian name - a ceremony done differently in different tribes probably) to work towards. I love working on these projects because I thoroughly enjoy running my hands over the colorful fabrics chosen by someone for their new dress and the sound of my sewing machine is soothing as I sew through these projects for people I love. Especially though, I have to say my favorite part of it is just the me they speak so much of the person who chose them.

All in all I'm excited about the changes of THIS season...


Mary Bergfeld said...

I loved visiting with you today. There is beauty in your words and your approach to life. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

flying eagle woman said...

Thank you for your comments! I enjoy sharing and hope to see you more often now that summer's "officially" over!