Thursday, March 18, 2010

i want to be royal ann!!!!!

I was an imaginative child you might say...

When I was thinking about having some time on the computer to myself tonight I was wondering just what I might blog about. This is a crazy world we're in, there are tragedies to the left and right of us, I was astounded and somewhat confounded to find that the earthquakes had actually knocked the Earth off her axis. So in the midst of this pondering I realized there is a need for a chuckle every now and then...

As a child I was a girly girl...I tried not to admit this, because I was also a farm girl at home in the barn as well as playing with dolls but here's the truth, I loved nothing more than tying two of my mom's aprons around me and teetering about on her old high heels serving tea to the poor cat "Peter Nutley" and our Samoyed dog "Chemon" (pronounced Sha MAWN). They were quite patient me, especially Peter who allowed me to dress him in my doll clothes.

We lived about thirteen miles from town which isn't really THAT far except that it was a small town anyway and this was the 60' one really went anywhere unless they NEEDED mom was the model homemaker and I am not stretching ANY imagination in that sentence...I never even TASTED store bought milk or canned fruits until well into my late teens. My mom would go the Santiam valley each harvest season and come back with our van laden with many fruits for canning (I still hate to can). One summer I overheard her talking to my Aunt Dorothy about how juicy the Royal Anns were this year. This piqued my young mind, I pictured a gracefully dressed princess lounging on a flowered divan...

I had some friends over FINALLY one summer, Twila and her sister, can't remember her sister's name Anyway, fortunately for me, Twila was also a girly girl and wanted to play queens and castles. I loved this idea and siezed the moment to declare "and I want to be Royal ANN". Both Twila and her sister ignored me and continued in their story about being stupid queen so and so and idiot queen such and such. I said it again "but I WANT TO BE ROYAL ANN" and waited. They still kept spinning their story and finally I pouted from the room...Twila came after me and said come back, what is it you wanted to be? Her SISTER however scoffed at me and said "Royall Ann...whoever HEARD of such a name?"

It wasn't until oh, about four years ago that I remembered this story. My brother and I were headed up to Idaho on a weekend runaway and there by the roadside was a fruitstand and what were they selling?

Royal Ann Cherries...I laughed so hard. I don't think I ever DID figure out as a child that my mom was talking about cherries!

So there it is. My Royal Ann Story. Hope it made you smile for just a moment?


Anonymous said...

I can understand your confusion as a child if you didn't know that royal annes are cherries. But you were right and the other girls were wrong: Princesses are automatically royal, and anne is a perfectly good name.

And to me, imagination is a gift many don't use. Never lose yours.

Miss Pussycat said...

What a lovely blog. I too had a cat who kindly let me dress him in dolls clothes. I looked especially good in a bonnet! x